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Year 9 options 2024-25

Students in Year 9 will prepare for their option choices through a variety of planned activities through the autumn term 2024 and in January 2025:

  • The tutor programme and Personal Development lessons will incorporate activities during the autumn term to prepare students for their GCSE choices.
  • W/C 9th December: Options booklet published via the school website .  Last year's booklet can be seen below.
  • W/C 13th January: a week of assemblies for Y9 where subject leaders from the option subjects will present key information to students.  
  • Tuesday 14th January: a parent and student presentation on the option process and format of the GCSE curriculum with Mr May, Mrs Bott and Mr Markham.  This will be in school between 6-7pm in the main hall.
  • Students will be given further information and opportunities to ask questions in lessons during January.
  • Date TBC December / January: Art, Drama, DT and Music showcase to allow students an insight into work in these subject areas.
  • Options forms will be distributed to students on Monday 20th January via form tutors.  The deadline for these to be handed in to reception will be Friday 7th February 2025.