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Please find below a link to the Sheffield Children Safeguarding Hub




At Bradfield School we take the safeguarding of our students very seriously. We encourage and guide our students to adopt safe practices and live healthy lifestyles.

In addition to speaking to staff at school, students and parents / carers can use the QR codes and / or email addresses below to report safeguarding, or bullying   concerns directly to us. 


      QR code to email  concerns around bullying           QR code to email safeguarding concerns

Alternatively you can email us at or

We all have a statutory duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. We have safeguarding policies and systems in place to help their safety, and to ensure a consistent approach to practices throughout the school, followed by all staff. We regularly undertake training. Our policy is reviewed annually and in line with any changes made to Keeping Children Safe in Education, which you can view below.

We are committed to working closely with parents and carers for the benefit of our students. We also work with professionals to help families receive any support that they require. 

Safeguarding is not taught as a discrete subject at Bradfield, but is an important part of every child's education.

Safeguarding Curriculum Intent 

Safe children are successful learners.  Through a range of curriculum areas in school, we intend to deliver effective learning experiences in line with KCSIE that enable students to be able to recognise safeguarding concerns so they can live safe, happy and successful lives.

Whilst safeguarding is everybody’s concern, this curriculum is primarily delivered through personal development lessons, and the form tutor and assembly programme in each year group.

Bradfield school’s safeguarding mission statement:

To protect children from maltreatment, preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development, ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes. Enabling all staff to always act in the best interest of children thus creating a culture of Safeguarding across the whole school.

Our curriculum is enhanced through a range of external visitors, such as police officers, who talk to students about community issues and staying safe, including: 

  • Road Safety
  • Fire Safety
  • Dark nights
  • Safe People
  • Drugs and Alcohol Awareness.
  • Online Safety
  • Knife and Gun Crime

We  provide regular Safeguarding Updates for Parents and Carers linked to topics explored in school.

Please find below a link to the Sheffield directory, to get information and advice, and discover local groups, activities and services in your area.



Bradfield Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy