Y10/11 Curriculum and Revision Support
Please log in using your child's usual school username and password if prompted to access the links.
Core |
Subject and Exam Board |
Past Papers |
Knowledge Organisers |
BBC Bitesize |
Other Useful Websites |
English Language AQA |
English Literature AQA |
English literature knowledge organisers: |
Maths OCR |
Year 10 Maths knowledge organisers:
Year 11 Maths knowledge organisers:
Science |
Biology OCR |
Chemistry OCR |
GCSE - Gateway Science Suite - Chemistry A (9-1) - J248 - OCR |
GCSE Chemistry (Single Science) - OCR Gateway - BBC Bitesize |
Physics OCR |
Combined OCR |
GCSE - Gateway Science Suite - Combined Science A (9-1) - J250 - OCR |
Personal Development |
N/A Not an examined subject |
Year PD 10 knowledge organisers
Year 10 RE knowledge organisers
Year 11 RE knowledge organisers |
Options |
Art AQA |
Business Studies Edexcel |
Citizenship Edexcel |
Edexcel GCSE Citizenship Studies (2016) | Pearson qualifications |
Computer Science OCR |
Drama WJEC |
Engineering (DT) OCR |
Food Preparation and Nutrition AQA |
GCSE Home Economics: Food and Nutrition (CCEA) - BBC Bitesize |
French AQA |
Exams 2025 |
Exams 2026 |
Geography AQA |
Link to all revision resources by topic Internet Geography (AQA Revision Site)
Health and Social Care Edexcel |
Health & Social Care (2022) | BTEC Tech Award | Pearson qualifications |
History Edexcel |
Music AQA |
Product Design (DT) OCR |
Spanish AQA |
Exams 2025 |
Exams 2026 |