Students will be continually assessed by subject teachers through a mixture of low-stakes and longer assessments to allow both staff and students to gauge their progress and identify gaps in learning. Longer assessments will largely be run in line with the TSAT assessment calendar and will inform data reports. These take place twice per academic year.
GCSE Examinations
Most of the GCSE examinations take place during May and June of Y11. However, some subjects completed assessed work through NEA (non-exam assessment) and other practical work prior to this time. Students will be informed of the expectations and prepared thoroughly for this through subject teachers.
Mock Examinations
Examination procedures are strict and must be followed carefully. To ensure students are prepared for this, they will undergo various series of mock exams throughout key stage 4. During the summer term of Y10, students will sit a full series in the sports hall. These will be organised to mirror the terminal exams as closely as possible. This will allow students to familiarise themselves with the expectations and formalities of the process.
In Y11, students will sit further mock exams during the spring term. Additional mocks in core subjects will be completed in the Autumn term, with assessments in other subjects taking place in classrooms.
Timetables for all mock and external examinations will be published to students in a timely manner through form tutors and Satchel One. Students will be given a personalised timetable for their terminal exams during the spring of Y11.
All examination timetables and seating plans are displayed on the exam notice board in the canteen.
All enquires regarding exams should be placed through the exams email:
All enquiries relating to access arrangements should be made through the SEND email: