Assessments and Reports
We assess students continually to check understanding and then work to close gaps in learning.
This may be every lesson through small scale activities such as the use of questioning and mini whiteboards, through teacher marking or formal written assessments. Not all feedback to students is written, a lot will be given verbally to students.
In addition to departmental plans for formal assessments, there are calendared formal assessments twice per year for all year groups, as shown in the TSAT assessment calendar attached below. We notify parents of topics students should revise for calendared assessments in advance via email. Staff will also set specific revision homework to support students to be successful.
Students will be issued with a data report shortly after each assessment week. The data report will give details of assessment attainment, along with grading for behaviour, effort and work rate, and homework. There is extra guidance on understanding the data reports attached below. Please note that reports are different in KS3 (Y7-9) and KS4 (Y10-11).