Transition to Bradfield
Moving from primary to secondary school can be the most exciting and possibly daunting prospect for our children to experience. We are well aware of this at Bradfield School, which is why we have worked hard to ensure a full and supportive programme for our new pupils. We make every effort to get to know them as well as possible by developing strong links with our feeder schools, by providing a full transition programme ensuring continuity of learning and by helping them to become ‘secondary ready.’
97% of our current Year 7 pupils and 93% of their parents felt that they had settled well into Bradfield school by October half term, with additional support given to those that still felt a little unsure at that point. Many of our wonderfully friendly year 7 pupils are now eager to become Transition mentors to help your children to enjoy their transition process and settle just as quickly.
Year 6 Open Evening – Tuesday 1st October 2024 5.00 – 7.00pm
An opportunity for year 6 and their parents/carers to join us here at Bradfield School. You will be able to look around the whole school, experience some exciting activities in all our different subject areas, talk to our teachers and ask questions of our current students. A great chance to see what Bradfield School is about.
Year 6 Welcome Evening – Thursday 20th March 2025 5.30 - 6.15pm or 6.30 - 7.15pm
Once you have been allocated a place at Bradfield School, we invite you to attend our Welcome Evening. This will allow you and your child to meet the Senior Leadership Team and students at Bradfield School. There will be a formal presentation, a welcome pack and the opportunity to complete your child’s Data Collection Sheet.
Family Quiz Night - Thursday 22nd May 2025 5:30 – 6:30pm
We invite your family to a fun quiz night that will be led by our student leaders. This is an excellent opportunity to meet other families as well as Bradfield staff and current pupils. We will have prizes for the winning team, and we welcome older and younger siblings to attend this event.
Uniform Try-On afternoon - tbc
A good opportunity to come and try on our uniform to find the correct size. You can then buy what you wish on the day or place an order that can be delivered to your primary school or directly to your house.
Transition Days at Bradfield School - Wednesday 2nd, Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th July 2025.
All Year 6 students are invited to attend 3 transition days giving them opportunity to meet students and staff and join in activities that will support their transition to Bradfield School.
Additional Transition Day - Thursday 26th June 2025
For students who are joining Bradfield School on their own or in a smaller group we will offer an additional transition day. This day will allow students to build relationships with some other students who are sharing a similar experience. Each child will be sent an invitation either directly, or via their primary school with all the key details.
This event is aimed at a small number of pupils, not the whole year group
Year 6 Parent Information Evening – Monday 7th July 2025 5:30 – 6:15pm or 6.30 - 7.15pm
We welcome you and your child back to Bradfield School for a formal presentation from staff and students. This will allow you to ask any questions that remain unanswered.
Summer School - Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th 2025
The Summer School will support Year 6 pupils as they move to Bradfield School. Students will follow a timetable, meet a variety of teachers, and take part in a wide range of activities designed to prepare them for the demands of secondary school. Last year we had 95% of students attend and feedback from them stated it helped with the transition process.
More details about each event will be sent home nearer each date.
Please contact school should you have any queries about your child's start to school in September.